ContinuumArticle ManagerHow do I place an article or blog post in a featured position?

How do I place an article or blog post in a featured position?

This article will show you how to place an article or blog post in a featured position on a page, such as your homepage. The website will display the article that has been most recently tagged as "featured." You do not need to untag an article or blog post as featured in order to tag a newer article or blog post.

Site placement, including designating featured content, is driven by the Taxonomy Manager. However, site placement is highly site-specific. Please contact your solutions manager if you have any questions.

1. Within your article, click on Site Placement in the right hand column and a list of areas where your article can be featured will drop down.

2. Under Site Placement, select the appropriate taxonomy based on where you want your article to be featured. Frequently, the taxonomy will be labeled "Featured ..."

Taxonomy is site-specific. Please contact your solutions manager with any questions.

3. If you make any changes, click Save at the bottom of the Article Manager.