ContinuumArticle ManagerHow to create an article that redirects to another website or sponsor

How to create an article that redirects to another website or sponsor

Ever needed a remote article (hosted on another website) to list alongside your own articles on featured article, topics, or special collection lists? We have a way.

To accomplish this without additional site customization, add the article headline and teaser just as you would any other article then add a redirect for that articles URL to the full remote article. The instructions for this are below.

Keep in mind that you might need to mention in the headline or teaser that the article is on another website in order to comply with industry regulations in your market.

Create the article in the same way as you would create a non-redirecting article and publish it.

Go to the redirect manager and create a redirect for the article.

Redirect Manager Overview & How Redirects Are Used

What You Can Do with the Redirect Manager

How do I create a redirect?

1. "Friendly URL" should have the URL of the article on your site beginning with "/" such as "/articles/4040-my-article".

2. "Actual URL" should be the full URL to the external article "".

3. If this redirection is only temporary, "type" should equal 302. If the article will always point to the remote article, then "type" should equal 301.