ContinuumMarketing ToolsSetting up a lead generation form for PDFs and videos

Setting up a lead generation form for PDFs and videos

Lead Generation Feature

This feature provides a way to ask a site visitor to fill out a short form at the bottom of an article to gain access to a related PDF file or video that is displayed on an article page. The responses to the form are available for download in a .csv file format.

How to enable the feature

The feature is enabled in Continuum by updating the following system settings to true and clearing the cache in Continuum:

Advanced > Settings > pdf.lead.generation.enabled - to gate PDF files
Advanced > Settings > article.lead.generation.enabled - to gate videos

How to set up sponsors and campaigns

This feature utilizes Continuum’s existing taxonomy manager to define sponsors and individual lead generation campaigns. 

Individual sponsors can be added or edited by opening the Leads parent classification. 

Individual lead generation campaigns for each sponsor can be identified by adding or editing a child classification under the parent sponsor classification.

Identifying a PDF or video for a lead generation form

  1. Upload a PDF or video using the media manager (or use an existing media item)

  2. Click on the PDF file or video to open up the file drawer

  3. Click on the Advanced tab

  4. Add a campaign classification in the Classification field (the parent sponsor classification and the Leads classification can also be added for clarity, however they are not required)

  5. Click Save

Adding the PDF or video to an article 

  1. In Article Manager, edit the article you want to apply the lead generation form

  2. Click on the Media tab

  3. Click on Browse Media

4. Find the PDF file or video that was tagged previously (searching by the classifications set earlier could be helpful) and check the box next to it
5. Click the Add button

Customizing the form

The form fields can be edited in Continuum. Go to Advanced > Custom Fields. Then under Article Form Group, click on PDF Lead Form

Here you can edit the display name of the fields, set each field to active or not, or edit the selection values for the dropdowns. 

Do not change the internal name of the fields. 

Changes to these fields will be reflected on all lead generation forms on the site.

Downloading the leads report

  1. Browse to

  2. Login with an admin user account 

  3. Click Lead Report

  4. Enter the From and To dates to define the date range for the report

  5. Click Download

  6. After a few seconds, you will be prompted by the browser to save the .csv file which can be opened using Excel or a compatible app. 

If you have everything set up but do not see Lead Report on /reports, please contact your ePublishing Project Manager.