ContinuumMedia ManagerHow do I upload new media, such as photos, videos and files?

How do I upload new media, such as photos, videos and files?

For important information on upload file sizes, please read Is there a file size limit for files uploaded to the Media Manager? (answer - Yes. 2 MB for images, 1.5 GB for other files).

To upload new media, such as photos, videos, PDF files and other, to your Media Manager, access the Media Manager from the left nav and follow the steps in this article.

Upload Files

You can add multiple files at once. You can mix file types - pdf, jpg, mp4.

Within the Media Manager, click Upload Files and browse and select files from your computer. 

You can also Drag and Drop from your computer into the Media Manager directly.

Choose the file location

You will be asked to select where the files are going. By default, the system will add the files to a folder with the current date in the format YYYY/MM/DD like /media/2022/01/31.

If you have a specific folder for the uploaded files, you can navigate to that by clicking on the "Select folder" Path box. This will give you a list of all folders and subfolders. Navigate to the one you want and select it.

Title and Alt Text

If the files you are uploading are image files, you'll then be given the opportunity to set the Title and Alt Text fields. By default, the file name will be entered in these fields. Best SEO practice is to enter a description of the image in the Alt Text field.

Files that have been uploaded will be shown at the top of the list on the Media Manager page, where they can be edited.

Managing Image file content

Click on an image name to enter or edit its metadata, add caption and credit information, assign taxonomies, crop or rotate the image, and view articles or products that use the image.

Continuum is working to align the image library with IPTC photo metadata standards. Currently Continuum supports displaying these fields if they are embedded in the image prior to upload — the Title, Alt Text, Description and Caption for the Image by clicking on the file name in the Media Manager.

Most of the time, the Title aligns with the content an image will be associated with, such as a blog post or podcast. The Description is important for accessibility; for users that can't see, for example, the description is used to provide an audio description of the image.

The Caption should only be used if you want a caption to appear. The Alt Text is important for search engines, and should always be populated with relevant descriptive content.  Save your changes when these fields are updated.

To assign your image to a taxonomy (topic, category, etc), use the Advanced tab.

If you are editing an existing file, view the content the media is already associated with under Assigned To tab.