ContinuumCreating and Sending eNewslettersHow do I create an eNewsletter issue?

How do I create an eNewsletter issue?

The Newsletter Manager allows you to create eNewsletters manually or automatically based on the rules you set up with ePublishing.

This article will show you how to create a new eNewsletter issue for newsletter publications that already exist. Each publication's design will be different, and will include different components, so if you have questions, please contact your solutions manager.

To access the Newsletters you'd like to create a new issue for, click on Newsletters under Editorial on your dashboard.

Scroll through to find the newsletter you wish to edit.

Click on the name of the newsletter to select.

Click Add Issue in the top right.

Name your newsletter issue. For example, you may want to name it with a date if it's a daily or with the week if it's weekly: Week of April 26, 2020.

Now it's time to add articles and other content to your newsletter issue. Click Add Articles here:

Locate articles in the Add Article drawer

Search for an article by entering keywords in the Search Articles... box at the top of the drawer. Click on the slider icon to open the Advanced Search to  filter your results based on when the article was created or modified, by topic, classification, site placement or publication status.

Check the boxes next to the titles of the articles you wish to add and then Click + Add X items.

After you've chosen another article, you can change the order of your content by selecting the icon next to the headline and dragging to the preferred position. You can hover over the three dots and click Expand icon to open the list in a larger window for more room to work.

Each ePublishing clients' newsletter is designed differently. Please contact your solutions manager if you have questions about whether and how certain types of content will appear in your newsletter.

In the same way, add Classified ad listings, Events or Products to your newsletter.

When finished adding content to your newsletter, click Save Issue at the top right.

Set the issue date for your newsletter

New December 2022 - the issue date can be set to reflect the "Publish on Web Site" date by setting the system setting to true. Otherwise, the issue date will be determined by the date the Generate  HTML button is clicked.

The newsletter is not yet ready. Click on the Generate HTML/Text button.

If Continuum is integrated with your ESP:

We recommend you test your newsletter before sending it to your full list. To test, add your Alternate testing mailing list ID in the box, and click Send test publication.

Please contact your solutions manager if you have questions about mailing list IDs. ePublishing clients that have integrated with third-party email service providers will have mailing list IDs associated with each of their newsletters, including a test list for internal use.

When you are ready to publish click on Send Issue. Then add a subject line. Set a publish date and time.

When ready to send to your entire list, click Send.
If testing on Stage: please contact your SM to send the email through to your ESP.

Advanced users can make edits to the HTML copy or Text copy on this page, but be sure to Save any changes you make. These changes will be overwritten if you click "Generate HTML/Text" again so we recommend any changes made to the HTML or Text copy be made at the end of your editing.

Optional: Add the Volume and Issue number, and associate a file with your newsletter. The file may be the PDF version of your newsletter.

Click Save Issue.

Publish the issue to the website

Be sure to check the Publish? box and set a Publish on the Website date and time if you want the newsletter issue to display on your website.