Workflow features within articles
This Knowledge Base article explains the Editorial > Workflow features within articles.
Creating an article
A user with Article Manager privileges will log into Continuum and go to Editorial > Articles and create a new article.
At minimum:
- Enter a Headline
- You need to add at least a space into the Body field (it’s required)
- Set an appropriate Publish At date/time OR remove the default date (you can remove this date at the system setting level by changing ‘’ to false)

You may also:
- Set a Due At date/time
- Leave notes about the article
- The notes do not get published but will display on the Workflow “Unclaimed Articles” tab when Workflow is enabled.
- The notes do not get published but will display on the Workflow “Unclaimed Articles” tab when Workflow is enabled.
Save the article. At this point you will see the Workflow information at the top of the article page.
On the left you will see the Originated by and Assigned to information

On the right are the Current Step and Workflow buttons that display depending on the user’s permissions.

- If the article is not currently assigned to anyone, it can be claimed by the current user
- Exit Workflow will take the item out of current workflow. It will return to an unclaimed state and will be hidden from the All Articles list in the Workflow Manager.
- If the user has Override permissions, clicking this will allow the current user to assign the article to another user based on the role associated with the Current Step
- Click on the 3 dots in the gray box to expose the History button. Click on that to show the workflow history
Option 1 - Leave the article unclaimed
If your job is only to create articles or pitch an article idea, then once the article is saved, you can click out of the article.
The article will show on the Workflow Unclaimed Articles tab (see below) and can be claimed by another workflow user.
Option 2 - Claim the article and Assign
At this point, you can click on the Claim button. This will assign the article to you and display the Assign Workflow button, which will allow the article to be assigned to the next step in the workflow process.

When assigning the workflow to a user, you can include a note that will be sent as an email to the selected user. You can choose whether to also receive an email by changing the System Setting ‘workflow.notify.assigner.enabled’ to true. To turn off email notifications completely, change the System Setting '' to false.
User lookup
When assigning workflow, you can start typing in the last name of the user to find their name in the list.

Workflow options based on User Privileges
User roles can be created with the Roles and Privileges tool that can then be set to limit some features.
Assign Workflow only
If a user only has privileges to View Workflow Articles (say, a freelance writer outside your organization), then they will only have the ability to Assign Workflow articles to whatever the next steps are in the flow, as show under Option 2 above.
Assign, Override and Exit Workflow
If a user has privileges to Override Article Workflow then they will be able to Assign to the next step if they article is currently in their own workflow. They will also be able to Override or Exit Workflow.
If a user can Override an article there is an option to "Assign to Me" which will reassign the article immediately and will not send a notification email.

Locking Articles
Although not a part of Workflow, this feature is very useful when multiple people are working in the same article.
Locking is enabled in the System Settings by changing lock.service.enabled to true. Once that is done, each article will display a Lock button.

The user can click the Lock button to lock the article. This is a good practice when changes are being made outside of the Body editor. If the user has not manually locked the article, it will automatically lock once the user starts to make changes in the Body editor.
When an article is locked, the user's name will be displayed on the Article list page.
When an article is locked it can still be accessed by another user but no changes can be made. The article editor will look like this:
The Lock feature can be overridden by an Admin. In that case the locked article looks like: