ContinuumCreating and Managing EventsWhat are the taxonomies associated with events and what do they control?

What are the taxonomies associated with events and what do they control?

Here’s a list of the classifications and site placement taxonomies associated with Events, and what they control:

Event Taxonomies:

Taxonomy Location
Featured Events

Site Placement

Featured event on website. Normally appears on homepage.

Sponsored Events (live, industry, seminar)
Classifications > Events
Version 2.0 Events: Hide event search ribbon on event detail

Hide Event Search Ribbon
Classifications > Events
Version 2.0 Events: Hide event search ribbon on event detail

Event Categories and Children

Allows for multiple event calendars. Child term in taxonomy becomes the name of the calendar.
Event Attendee Session Options
Classification > Products
Used for events with individual pricing or session options available to attendees. Each attendee will have these options on the registration form. Pricing options can be either free ($0) or have a specific cost.

Group Sales
Classification > Products
Used for Event Products to control group sales/corporate tables for an event. The number of tickets is controlled by the min/max being the exact same for each "jump.” Example: min. 10/max 10 for one pricing option with this association. And an increase of 10 for each until the highest table/block of tickets amount for the event is reached. The name of this taxonomy can be altered to meet your site’s needs, if Group Sales is too generic.

No Sidebars
Classification > Pages or top level of Classification
Event will span the full width of the event microsite, and no sidebars will appear as they do in the rest of the website.
Use Blank Page Layout
Classification > Pages or top level of Classification
Event will display on your event microsite with only the event content. Your standard website navigation, footer navigation, and any other site layout is removed. Content can access the site’s CSS files and Javascript files. Metadata uses event detail’s SEO subform data.
Requires Subscription
Classification > top level of Classification
Used if a pricing option should only be offered if the user has an active subscription. Use the Pricing Option > Classification subform to tag the pricing option.