ContinuumCreating, Managing & Selling SubscriptionsHow do I use the group administration tools to add a brand new user to a site license group?

How do I use the group administration tools to add a brand new user to a site license group?

This article explains how to add a user to a site license group for a brand new user that does not already have a user record in your site's database.

Note this method of adding the user to a group utilizes the group administration tools at /admin/licenses.

Prior to using the tools at /admin/licenses, you need to do two things.

1. Setup the site license group itself in the User Manager. See this article. 

2. Be setup as a group administrator. See this article.

1. Log into /admin/licenses with an account setup as a group administrator. 

2. Scroll to the Add New User To Site License section and complete the form. Be sure to provide values for all the fields that are marked as required. Be sure to select the group at the top of the form.

3. Click create. If the user was successfully added to the  group, then you will see a confirmation message appear. The user will then be added to the database, associated to the site license group, and will inherit the group's subscriptions and appropriate mailing list associations (if the group has newsletter subscriptions). The user will also automatically receive an email with a password. 

 4. If you get an error message, then the user record was not successfully created. The error means one of two things:

1. You did not put data in all the required fields. Be sure to put data in all the required fields.

2. The user already exists in the database. For steps for how to associate a user that is already in the database to a group, then see this article.