How do I create a new Admin user?

If you have a new team member and you want him to have access to your website's administration, add them to the User Manager. This article looks at how to add a new admin user, or someone that can edit your website in full or in part. You can control which tools users can access on the back-end of your website.

We also share how to view what each type of user (or role) has access to, and how to edit each role's access.

Be aware that if you change the privileges a user type has, it will affect all users associated with that role. For example, if you change the access a Content Editor has, it will affect all users that have been assigned that role.

1. Under User in your dashboard, click the blue + to create a new user.

2. Add the user's information, and click Create. At minimum, add a first name, last name and email address for the user.

3. Add a password.

Assign a password. It must be at least 6 characters, with 1 letter and 1 number. Punctuation can be used. Make the password as long and complicated as you'd like.

4. Scroll down to the Roles and Privileges drop down menu.
5. There is no standard access by role across all ePublishing websites. The privileges associated with each role will vary. Please ask your Solutions Manager if you have questions.

The three roles highlighted in the above screenshot are the ones ePublishing creates for all publishers. Any additional roles are created uniquely for the site and reflect the different roles that will use the admin tool.

5.1. Select Admin User, SysAdmin User or Super Admin User by clicking the box next to the appropriate selection. The role will move to the top of the list when selected.

  • In general, a Basic Admin User or Admin User will have limited access. To add additional privileges, define and assign specific roles, such as copy editor.
  • A Super Admin User will have full access to everything except SysAdmin.
  • And very few users will need to be a SysAdmin User, if any.
  • Select any relevant additional role that is unique for your organization
6. Want to know which privileges are associated with each role? Click on Roles & Privileges under your dashboard.

6.1. Scroll down in the window that appears, hover over the role name and click on the edit box that appears.

6.2 You'll see a list of privileges assigned to this role. You can hit the X to delete roles or click in the box and scroll through privileges you can add. Click Save.

6.3 WARNING: When you add or remove a privilege from a role, that change will affect ALL users associated with that role.

7. If you create or edit a role or privilege in the Role & Privilege Manager:

7.1. The internal name should be all lowercase, separated by a "." The display name can be anything, but make sure it's easy to recognize. For example: