How do I turn on Paypal Payflow Pro for my website?
We've added/updated a new payment gateway for Paypal Payflow Pro. With this new integration, users stay on your website, in your cart, and Paypal processes payments and reviews orders for fraud.
Based on your settings, we will set aside any order flagged by Paypal for you to review later. We will also let you know what Paypal told the user about why their order was rejected.
How to get started with this new feature:
If you don't have one, set up a PayPal PayFlow Pro account.
This allows ePublishing's cart to be fully integrated with the website. The customer is never taken from the website to Paypal.
What we need from you to set this up:
Below is the information you will need to give your project manager:
- Login
- Password
- Optional field - if they are using it, we need to know the value
CAUTION: When sending ePublishing this information ...
As the login and password information is important and highly sensitive information, we recommend one of two methods for getting us this information:
- Via the phone
- Via email ... but two separate emails with subject lines that are boring or ridiculous. For example: Re: Re: My Favorite Jokes About Cats. Again, send one for the login. And a separate one for the password. Do not send both in the same email.
Whether via email or phone, we will destroy the information after confirming the login and password are working by purchasing a test product.
Important note on recurring billing:
Currently, recurring billing is not integrated with PayPal PayFlow Pro. If you are interested in this functionality, please contact your project manager.