ContinuumCreating, Managing & Selling SubscriptionsHow does a user associate themselves to a site license group with the form on my website?

How does a user associate themselves to a site license group with the form on my website?

There are two ways to associate a user to a site license group:

1. With the form on your website.

2. The group management tools.

This article discusses the first option and tells you how a user can associate themselves to a site license group by filling out a form on your website. 

Having users associate themselves to the group has two advantages:

1. It saves your team time from having to associate the user manually to the group. 

2. You can put the company's logo on the sign up form, giving the group a personalized experience.

Setup the site license group in the User Manager.

Refer to this article for how to setup a site license group, including how to load a logo for the group. 

1. After you have setup the site license group in the User Manager, copy the code you created in the site license code field.

2. Go to your website and put in the site license code at the end of your /domain/site-licenses/new?license_code=For example,

3. Provide the URL to your main contact at the site license group.

Your contact should disseminate it to the individuals who are part of the group. The individuals should fill out the form. Once they have filled out the form, then the users are associated with the group and have the subscriptions and expiration dates you set at the group level.